• Sign-up

    At checkout, opt-in to receive rewards and offers.

  • Earn

    Get Bitcoin rewards via email with every purchase, follow, or referral.

  • Redeem

    Save, spend, or redeem your Bitcoin rewards for products and exclusive offers.

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  • Place an Order

    Get 2% Bitcoin cashback on every purchase.

  • Become a VIP

    Spend more, earn more. Up to 4% back on each purchase.

  • Refer Friends

    Share with friends to receive 10% commission on their first purchase.

  • Engage on Socials

    Follow us on socials to earn even more sats.

  • Bitcoin Accepted Here!

    Get 5% back when you pay with Bitcoin.

    How to pay with Bitcoin 
  • Become an Affiliate

    Monetize your network and grow alongside our brand.

    Get your affiliate link 


How do I sign up to earn Bitcoin rewards?

During checkout, make sure to opt-in to the rewards program by selecting to Join our email list or Subscribe to Text Alerts. You'll receive an email with your rewards and loyalty program details.

Don't forget to claim them!

What are sats?

Sats, short for Satoshis, are the smallest unit of Bitcoin. Just like there are 100 cents in a dollar, there are 100 million Satoshis in a single Bitcoin. As you shop with us and earn Bitcoin back, you'll be accumulating sats in your rewards balance. This allows you to easily track your rewards and take the future of money for a test drive!

What can I do with my rewards?

You can save, spend, or withdraw your rewards to your own Bitcoin wallet at any time. For new bitcoin users, we recommend Strike app.

We also accept Bitcoin payments and you'll get 5% back when you pay in Bitcoin. Learn more on how to pay with Bitcoin here.

Sports Roses Rewards powered by Oshi. What is Oshi?

Oshi is a rewards platform where you earn Bitcoin back on daily purchases from our global network of local businesses. Effortlessly accumulate rewards, support local shops, and explore the world of Bitcoin with Oshi. Welcome to your new gateway for Bitcoin rewards!

Learn more here.